Autumn Swimming Pool Maintenance Tips

There are specific pool maintenance tips during the autumn season you need to do?

These autumn maintenance tips will make sure that your pool rests well this winter season.

The summer season is already over and that means your pool had passed the peak of its use. But that does not mean you should just cover it up and forget about it.

The weather is still good enough for a swimming every now and then. You want to make sure that you can still use the pool if the needed.

Warm it up with Solar swimming pool heating or Heat pump for longer use of the swimming pool.

Beyond that, you also need to do a final maintenance check on the pool before you completely close it off for the winter.

What is it that you need to do to maintain your swimming pool until you using it in the next season.

Tips to do is……

1)Clean the whole pool brushing vacuum if needed remove leaves and debris

2)Clean the filter perform sand change if needed we also offer this service

3)Check the chemical balance

4)Protect the pool from algae

5)Run the pool filter for small amount of time not as long as in the summer

6)Cover the pool

Once everything is done, you can now cover the pool if you no longer have plans of using it. This will protect it from falling leaves and debris. Not only that, it will also keep you from losing water.

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